Research With Children And Young People

Please read and follow the guidance on Research Involving Children prepared by UCL Research Ethics Committee. Research involving children and young people should only be conducted where:
- The research question posed is important to the health and well-being of children;
- The participation of children is indispensable;
- The study method is appropriate for children;
- The circumstances in which the research is conducted provide for the physical, emotional and psychological safety of the child;
- Informed consent has been obtained;
- Ethics approval has been granted.
See Research with Children: Guidance on Data Protection for more details about data protection.
Ethical Research Involving Children (ERIC)
View the chart
In order to encourage greater consideration of ethical issues in research with children, UNICEF Office of Research in a collaboration with other organizations, have created an Ethical Research Involving Children Compendium.
Resources include an International Charter and a Compendium on ethical issues and challenges, including over 20 case studies.
We strongly encourage everyone thinking about doing research with children to read and reflect on the questions they pose in chapter ‘Getting Started’, designed to help guide the researchers when planning and conducting research involving children. Please see the below chart, which highlights the main points for consideration.
Ethical Research Involving Children*
Does this research need to be done? | |
The Children ↓ |
The Researecher(s) ↓ |
Planning and Preparation | |
Research Design and Methods | |
Data Collection | |
Analysis, Writing and Dissemination | |
* The text in this chart has been reproduced from Graham, A., Powell, M., Taylor, N., Anderson, D. & Fitzgerald, R. (2013). Ethical Research Involving Children. Florence: UNICEF Office of Research – Innocenti. © United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)
Reading List
- Ethics of Research With People Under Eighteen
- Department of Health: Consent – what you have a right to expect. A guide for children and young people
- UNICEF: Child and Youth Participation Resource Guide
- National Children's Bureau (NCB): Guidelines for Research with Children and Young People
- NSPCC: Research with children: ethics, safety and avoiding harm
- MRC Ethics Guide 2004: Medical Research Involving Children
- The Child Protection Practice Manual
- Population Council: Ethical approaches to gathering information for children and adolescents in international settings